

“I am a Resource Room Teacher for the Spring Lake Public Schools.  In this capacity, I meet many parents and I am always grateful when parents are willing to invest their time, talents, and energy into their child’s school.  I have known Mrs. Schmuker for a year and a half.   During this time, Mrs. Schmuker has routinely been involved in our school and its mission. 

Early on in our connection, Mrs. Schmuker related her interest in Yoga and teaching to me.  Upon further conversations, we discussed how we could incorporate her expertise in Yoga with our mindfulness lessons to better equip our students to manage their behaviors and attitudes.  Without hesitation, Mrs. Schmuker agreed to develop and present lessons to our 4thgraders to enhance their learning skills.   Both teachers and students were impressed with these sessions and found great benefit to them.  Her lessons were well planned and executed in a timely manner. 

Mrs. Schmuker exhibited a high degree of professionalism, integrity, organization, and depth of knowledge.  She was able to explain, demonstrate, and engage the classrooms.  Her capability to connect with the students and the adults in the room is pivotal to her ability to convey her teachings.” 

Lisa Mulder, Resource Room Teacher

Holmes Elementary – Spring Lake Public Schools

Spring Lake, Michigan


“Adriana Schmuker has served as a volunteer coach for the Total Trek Quest program for the past 2 years. The Total Trek Quest program (TTQ) is a 9 week experiential afterschool program for 3rd-5thboys that involves training for a 5k run and implementing a substance abuse prevention curriculum. The boys learn important skills such as how to set and achieve a goal, how to make healthy choices, how to be a good friend and teammate, how to resist peer pressure and also receive information on the risks and harm associated with underage substance use. Adriana worked with 2 other coaches to implement this program with a team made up of boys from Holmes and Jeffers schools; this made the coaching job a bit harder as the coaches had to work to make a team out of boys coming together for the first time in practice.

Adriana is an extremely compassionate individual who worked to make the TTQ experience impactful for every boy on her team. She utilized her professional background in social work to approach her team from a strengths based, trauma informed vantage point. She is able to handle whatever unforeseen circumstance –such as a sleet storm in the middle of a 5k run, being locked out of school, etc—occurs with both humor and grace, turning a negative into a positive experience for the boys on her team. She worked hard to make sure the boys were learning on both a physical and intellectual level, and to maintain fidelity to the program.”

Vicki Kavanaugh, CYD Team Lead

Arbor Circle

Spring Lake, Michigan


“I’ve watched you grow and challenge yourself in so many ways.

–Director, Rebecca Cohen Yoga 300HR Advanced Teacher Training

Okinawa, Japan


“Thank you for a lovely class!”

–Patron, Ironworks Gym, Camp Courtney

Okinawa, Japan


“Thank ‘you’ for sharing your great skills, knowledge, and experience with our MCCS customers.”

–Group Fitness Director, MCCS Semper Fit Health Promotions

Okinawa, Japan


“That was a wonderful class.  Thank you.”

–Patron, Hansen Gym, Camp Hansen

Okinawa, Japan


“I feel so relaxed after class.  Thank you.”

–Patron, Gunners’s Gym, Camp Foster

Okinawa, Japan


“I enjoyed breathing…and the heartbeat meditation.”

–Middle School Student, Ryukyu Middle School

Okinawa, Japan


“I felt very calm and my head was cleared of all thoughts.”

–Middle School Student, Ryukyu Middle School

Okinawa, Japan


“I enjoyed balancing, which helped me to focus more.”

–Middle School Student, Ryukyu Middle School

Okinawa, Japan


“Adriana taught an Intro Yoga Class and the kids LOVED IT!


–Retired Teacher, Ryukyu Middle School

Okinawa, Japan


“Thank you so much for your giving spirit!  

I cannot tell you how much the students and I enjoyed having you bring yoga into our class.”

–2nd Grade Teacher, Stearley Heights Elementary School

Okinawa, Japan


“Thank you!”

–United States Navy Women Dragon Boat Team 2016-2017, Kadena Marina

Okinawa, Japan


“I want you to know that my daughter really enjoyed your classroom yoga!”

–2nd Grade Parent, Stearley Heights Elementary School

Okinawa, Japan


“I decided to book private sessions with you, because your classes are fun.”

–Private Client, Risner Gym, Kadena United States Air Force Base

Okinawa, Japan